Source code for spines.models.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Base classes for the spines package.
#   Imports
import os
import pickle
import tarfile
import zipfile
import tempfile
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, List, Type

from . import decorators
from ..parameters.base import Parameter
from ..parameters.base import HyperParameter
from import ParameterStore

#   Class Definitions

[docs]class Model(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Model class """ _param_store_cls = ParameterStore _hyperparam_store_cls = ParameterStore def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._params = self._create_store( self._param_store_cls, Parameter ) self._hyper_params = self._create_store( self._hyperparam_store_cls, HyperParameter ) = decorators.finalize_pre(self._hyper_params, = decorators.finalize_post(self._params, # dunder methods def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.predict(*args, **kwargs) # Properties @property def parameters(self): """ParameterStore: Parameters which are currently set.""" return self._params @property def hyper_parameters(self): """ParameterStore: Hyper-parameters which are currently set.""" return self._hyper_params # Core methods
[docs] def build(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Builds the model Parameters ---------- args : optional Arguments to use in building the model. kwargs : optional Keyword arguments to use in building the model. """ return
[docs] def fit(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Fits the model Parameters ---------- args : optional Arguments to use in fit call. kwargs : optional Any additional keyword arguments to use in fit call. """ return
[docs] @abstractmethod def predict(self, *args, **kwargs): """Predict outputs for the given inputs Parameters ---------- args : optional Additional arguments to pass to predict call. kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments to pass to predict call. Returns ------- object Predictions from the given data. """ pass
[docs] def error(self, *args, **kwargs) -> float: """Returns the error measure of the model for the given data Parameters ---------- args : optional Additional arguments to pass to the error call. kwargs : optional Additional keyword-arguments to pass to the error call. Returns ------- float Error for the model on the given inputs and outputs. """ pass
# Parameter stores @classmethod def _create_store(cls, store_cls, param_cls) -> Type[ParameterStore]: """Creates and instance of the parameter store""" store = store_cls() for attr in cls.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(attr, param_cls): store.add(attr) return store # Parameter functions
[docs] def set_params(self, **params) -> None: """Sets the values for this model's parameters Parameters ---------- params Parameters and values to set. Raises ------ InvalidParameterException If the given `name` or `value` are not valid. """ self._params.update(params) return
[docs] def get_params(self) -> dict: """Gets a copy of this models parameters Returns ------- dict Copy of currently set parameter names and values. """ return self._params.values
[docs] def set_parameter(self, name: str, value) -> None: """Sets a parameter value Will add the given `param` and `value` to the parameters if they are valid, throws an exception if they are not. Parameters ---------- name : str Parameter to set the value for. value Value to set. Raises ------ InvalidParameterException If the given `name` or `value` are not valid. See Also -------- parameters """ self._params[name] = value return
[docs] def unset_parameter(self, name: str) -> object: """Unsets a parameter value Removes the specified parameter's value from the parameter values if it is part of the parameter set and returns its current value. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the parameter whose value needs to be un-set. Returns ------- object Previously set value of the parameter. Raises ------ MissingParameterException If the parameter to remove does not exist in the set of parameters. See Also -------- parameters """ return self._params.pop(name)
[docs] def set_hyper_params(self, **hyper_params) -> None: """Sets the values of this model's hyper-parameters Parameters ---------- hyper_params Hyper-parameter values to set. Raises ------ InvalidParameterException If one of the given hyper-parameter values is not valid. """ self._hyper_params.update(hyper_params) return
[docs] def get_hyper_params(self) -> Dict[str, object]: """Gets the current hyper-parameter values Returns ------- dict Copy of the currently set hyper-parameter values. See Also -------- hyper_parameters, set_hyper_params """ return self._hyper_params.values
[docs] def set_hyper_parameter(self, name: str, value) -> None: """Sets a hyper-parameter value Sets a hyper-parameter's value if the given `hyper_param` and `value` are valid. Parameters ---------- name : str Hyper-parameter to set value for. value Value to set. Raises ------ MissingParameterException If the given `name` hyper-parameter does not exist. InvalidParameterException If the given `value` is not valid for the specified hyper-parameter. See Also -------- hyper_parameters, set_hyper_params """ self._hyper_parameters[name] = value return
[docs] def unset_hyper_parameter(self, name: str): """Un-sets a hyper-parameter Un-sets the specified hyper-parameter's value from the set of hyper-parameters and returns the previously set value. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the hyper-parameter to clear the value for. Returns ------- object Previously set value of the hyper-parameter. Raises ------ MissingParameterException If the given `name` hyper-parameter does not exist. See Also -------- hyper_parameters, set_hyper_params """ return self._hyper_parameters.pop(name)
# Save/Load methods
[docs] def save(self, path: str, fmt: [str, None] = None, overwrite_existing: bool = False) -> str: """Saves this model Saves this model's `parameters`, `hyper_params` as well as any other data required to reconstruct this model. Saves this data with the given unique `tag` name. Parameters ---------- path : str File path to save the model to. fmt : str File output format to use. overwrite_existing : bool, optional Whether to overwrite any existing saved model with the same `path` (Default is False). Returns ------- str The path to the saved file. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the specified `fmt` is not supported. """ if not fmt: fmt = 'zip' else: fmt = fmt.lower() if not os.path.splitext(path)[1]: path += self._get_file_extension(fmt) if os.path.exists(path) and not overwrite_existing: raise FileExistsError(path) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='spines-') as tmp_dir: files = self._save_helper(tmp_dir) if fmt == 'zip': with zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'w') as archive: for file in files: archive.write(file, os.path.basename(file)) else: mode = self._tar_mode_helper('w', fmt) with, mode) as archive: for file in files: archive.add(file, arcname=os.path.basename(file)) return path
def _save_helper(self, dir_path: str) -> List[str]: """Helper function to save object to the specified directory Parameters ---------- dir_path : str Directory to save the model components to. Returns ------- list List of all the files created. """ ret = list() ret.append(self._save_object(dir_path, 'class', self.__class__)) ret.append(self._save_object(dir_path, 'parameters', self._params)) ret.append( self._save_object(dir_path, 'hyperparameters', self._hyper_params) ) return ret @classmethod def _save_object(cls, dir_path: str, file: str, obj) -> str: """Helper function to save a single object to file Parameters ---------- dir_path : str Path to the directory to save the files to. file : str Name to save the file with. obj Object to save. Returns ------- str The path of the file created. """ if not file.endswith('.pkl'): file += '.pkl' obj_file = os.path.join(dir_path, file) with open(obj_file, 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(obj, fout) return obj_file
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path: str, fmt: [str, None] = None, new: bool = False ) -> Type['Model']: """Loads a saved model instance Loads saved model `parameters` and `hyper_params` as well as any serialized model-specific objects from a saved version with the `tag` specified (from the base `project_dir`). Parameters ---------- path : str Path to load the model from. fmt : :obj:`str` or :obj:`None` Format of the file to load (if :obj:`None` it will be inferred). new : bool, optional Whether to create a new object from this class or use the saved object class (default is False). Returns ------- Model Model loaded from disk. """ if not fmt: fmt = cls._infer_file_format(path) else: fmt = fmt.lower() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='spines-') as tmp_dir: if fmt == 'zip': with zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r') as archive: archive.extractall(tmp_dir) else: mode = cls._tar_mode_helper('r', fmt) with, mode) as archive: archive.extractall(tmp_dir) if new: instance = cls() else: klass = cls._load_object(tmp_dir, 'class') instance = klass() instance = cls._load_helper(tmp_dir, instance) return instance
@classmethod def _load_helper(cls, dir_path: str, instance: Type['Model'] ) -> Type['Model']: """Helper function for loading objects from files Parameters ---------- dir_path : str Path to directory to load files from instance : Model Model instance to initialize from files Returns ------- Model The model loaded from file. """ instance._params = cls._load_object(dir_path, 'parameters') instance._hyper_params = cls._load_object(dir_path, 'hyperparameters') return instance @classmethod def _load_object(cls, dir_path: str, file: str): """Helper function for loading objects from file Parameters ---------- dir_path : str Directory to load the `file` from. file : str File to load. Returns ------- object Object loaded from file. """ if not file.endswith('.pkl'): file += '.pkl' obj_file = os.path.join(dir_path, file) with open(obj_file, 'rb') as fin: ret = pickle.load(fin) return ret @staticmethod def _tar_mode_helper(mode: str, fmt: str): """Helper function for getting tar open mode string""" ret = mode if fmt == 'lzma': return ret + ':xz' elif fmt == 'tar': return ret elif fmt == 'gzip': return ret + ':gz' elif fmt == 'bzip2': return ret + ':bz2' raise NotImplementedError('Format: %s' % fmt) @staticmethod def _infer_file_format(path: str) -> str: """Helper function to infer the file format from the path""" exts = list() tmp_path, tmp_ext = os.path.splitext(path) while tmp_ext: exts.append(tmp_ext) tmp_path, tmp_ext = os.path.splitext(tmp_path) exts = tuple(reversed(exts)) if exts[0] == '.tar': if len(exts) == 2: compression = exts[1] if compression == '.xz': return 'lzma' elif compression == '.gz': return 'gzip' elif compression == '.bz2': return 'bzip2' else: return compression.strip('.').lower() else: return 'tar' elif exts[0] == '.zip': return 'zip' raise ValueError("Cannot infer file format, please specify") @staticmethod def _get_file_extension(fmt: str) -> str: """Helper function to get file extension based on format""" if fmt == 'lzma': return '.tar.xz' elif fmt == 'bzip2': return '.tar.bz2' elif fmt == 'gzip': return '.tar.gz' elif fmt == 'zip': return '.zip' elif fmt == 'tar': return '.tar' return '.%s' % fmt
# # Exceptions #
[docs]class ModelException(Exception): """ Base class for Model exceptions. """ pass