
Core Transform classes for manipulating data.

class spines.transforms.core.Pass(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: spines.transforms.base.Transform

Transform which simply passes the given values through


Parameter class

  • value_type (type or Iterable of type) – The type(s) of values allowed for this parameter.

  • default (object, optional) – Default value for this parameter, if any.

  • desc (str, optional) – Description for this parameter, if any.

transform(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Passes the given input args back out

If this transform’s output parameter is set, it will attempt to call it’s __call__ with the given args and kwargs. If no output parameter is set this will return the input args as a tuple if they have a length greater than one otherwise it will just return the first input element of args.

  • args – Input data to pass back out.

  • kwargs (optional) – Additional keyword arguments to use if output parameter is set.